As a Texas business owner, you've spent countless hours and resources building your company into what it is today. You wouldn't want to risk losing it all in the aftermath of a divorce. Although it may seem difficult, there are many things you can do to protect your...
What makes gray divorces especially challenging
Due to their older age, the participants in a gray divorce tend to have higher net worth and more assets than a younger couple would. That means questions about dividing financial and other assets as well as alimony are more complex and involve more money. In...
Dividing debt and assets when divorcing in Texas
As they live in a community property state, divorcing Texans will find that all debt and assets gained during their marriage will be divided equally between them. In some cases, debt incurred by one party will remain solely their responsibility. Find out how debts and...
How a women business owner should prepare for divorce
If you're getting ready for a divorce in Texas, there can be a lot at stake. With that in mind, some women who are divorcing worry about the future of the companies they lead. You can help keep your business protected by following these steps during the divorce...
Why would you have to request child custody modifications?
Many parents in Texas have child custody arrangements. However, if you have come to realize that yours doesn’t work for you anymore, you have a right to request a modification by the court. Here are a few reasons to request child custody modifications. Why would...
What happens to my FERS pension if I get a divorce?
If you are a federal employee living in Texas, it is important to understand what will happen to your pension should you get a divorce. Although no one goes into marriage thinking they will end up in divorce, the fact is that many marriages do end. If you are part of...
How to tell if joint custody is worth pursuing
Texas law generally prefers that parents share custody of their children after a divorce. However, this assumes that both parents are emotionally, physically and financially capable of doing so. Let's take a look at some variables a court will likely consider before...
5 steps for a better financial future after divorce
Are you going through a divorce? Have you come to realize that this will impact your finances in a number of ways? Are you ready to make some changes to ensure that your financial situation remains as steady as possible?There are a variety of things that you can do...
How you ask for a divorce can impact the process
Are you beginning to wonder if divorce is the best way to improve your life? Have you come to find that no matter what you do you're unable to get on the same page with your spouse?If you're convinced that divorce is the right answer to your marital problems, it's...
These co-parenting tips can change your life
Once the divorce process is in the past, you're ready to move on with your new life. Of course, if you have a child with your ex-spouse, you know that you'll still have to communicate with him or her every now and again.As you move through your divorce, it's only...