Divorced Texas parents may feel bitter toward their exes. Loyalty traps used on the children should be avoided. What are loyalty traps? Loyalty traps are common in situations where a couple with children are no longer together. They occur when a parent puts their...
Collaborative Law
The process of a collaborative divorce
When spouses divorce in Texas, they have to decide how to split up all their assets and time with their children. Couples who can't agree on property and custody typically bring in their own attorneys to help with the divorce. Many couples agree on some issues but may...
A collaborative divorce process could pay off
The stereotypical Texas divorce may be one of two parties who cannot stand each other, argue incessantly and use their children as leverage to get back at the other spouse. And while, sadly, this is true for some families in the divorce process, it doesn't have to be...
Hiring a divorce coach
When couples in Texas divorce, emotions often run high. This can sometimes lead to conflict in what might have otherwise been a straightforward, amicable divorce. This conflict might be caused by misunderstandings or a spouse who feels uncertain of what is happening,...
The benefits of collaborative divorce
By the time a lot of couples in Texas have decided to divorce, it is not unusual for both parties to be experiencing strong emotions. The stress associated with the breakdown of a marriage can make it difficult to talk through issues and come to reasonable agreements...
A divorce doesn’t have to be dreadful
So often, we hear divorce horror stories. A couple spends months, or even years, in court battling over assets, property and their own children. They drain their savings and neither party gets what he or she wants in the end. Children are left angry and hurt. No one...
Collaborative law divorce may fit ‘personalization’ age
The rule of law is what we follow in Texas and the rest of the United States. What that means is that everyone is subject to the laws of the country and the state in which they live. No one is above the law and it's supposed to apply equally to all.The area of family...